

The world’s deepest secrets all lead back to Sumer in Mesopotamia, the first known great civilization, located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers at the headwaters of the Persian Gulf. 
In biblical times, it was called Chaldea or Shinar.
םולש הוהיםולש       

  1. Introduction
  2. The Nephilim 
  3. The Elohim 
  4. The Annunaki 
  5. Social Structure in Mesopotamia
  6. The Four Primary Gods of Sumeria :
  • Anu
  • Ninhursag
  • Enki
  • Enlil 
  1. Anshar
  2. Innana/ Aphrodite/ Venus 
  3. Merduk/Marduk/Hades

According to Sitchin, The Annunaki came to this planet: Earth, and those primitive life forms that scientist write about, are our distant ancestors!  

And the planet of Nibiru is actually home to an advanced civilization of beings, known as the Annunaki.  

Known as Nibiru in the Sumerian texts, it is a large planet with a very elliptical orbit, which orbits our own Sun but once every 3600 years!    

Sitchin believes that the planet Nibiru may have "strayed" from a distant solar system, very similar to our own, and attracted by the gravity of our own solar system, established an orbit around our Sunsome 4.5 billion years ago.  

Sitchin claims that it was a moon of Nibiru that collided with the newly formed Earth, (known as Tiamat in early Sumerian texts ), breaking off huge chunks of the Earth, that later resulted in the asteroid belt   (see image) located today between Mars and Jupiter . 

Sitchin believes that the Annunaki came to Earth approximately 450,000 years ago in search of gold , which was needed to sustain their planets dwindling atmosphere.   They first established a base of operations in Nippur (Bond-Heaven-Earth ), which was located in Ancient Mesopotamia   (Today's Iraq !).  Here they built a spaceport and control center to oversee their mining operations.

But after many years of laborious toil, the Annunaki workers had obtained only a fraction of the gold needed, and a discontented and overworked Annunaki workforce rebelled against its leaders.

It was then, in this moment of potential catastrophe, that one of the Annunaki leaders, Enki (Lord of Earth) and son of Anu (The Heavenly One) , proposed creating a new workforce, by genetically engineering the DNA of the primitive ape-like creatures that already existed on the planet ! 
After much trial and error, the Annunaki scientists successfully combined a small portion of their own DNA with that of the ape-like creatures (Homo erectus ),  to create a new creature (the Biblical Adam?), known today as Homo sapiens ,  or modern man. 
Sitchin believes that the some of the Annunaki people came "to live, as Gods, amongst men", and even interbreed with humans, creating a race of supernatural beings known as the Nephilim, mentioned in Genesis 6:1-4.      
The Annunaki "gods" eventually taught mankind much about agriculture, language, math, medicine, engineering, codes of law and commerce, astronomy, and many other things that define what our idea of a modern civilization is. 

The Sumerian speaking people settled in the land they called Sumer, in a region of the Fertile Crescent that lay along the southern portions of the valley of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers.  

The area is located just before those great tributaries dump their waters into the Persian Gulf -- in an area which is now known as southeastern Iraq.  

The Greeks later called the area “Mesopotamia”, meaning “between the rivers”.  To the northeast (modern day Iran) was the Zagros Mountains, while to the southwest was the Arabian Desert.
What occurred there some 6,000 years ago, has been called “the most crucial event in human history.”
Literally, seemingly out of nowhere, a highly advanced, thriving culture appeared sometime after 4000 B.C.E. (although some argue the Sumerians may have arrived as early as 8500 B.C.E., or even much, much earlier).  
What is clear is that the Sumerians developed a highly sophisticated system of irrigation and agriculture, which took full advantage of the waters of the two rivers.  They quickly established magnificent cities, advanced governing laws, and a written language.

The Sumerian language itself has been an enigma to linguists and scholars ever since the first tablets of that ancient language were re-discovered in the nineteenth century.  It bears no relation, for example to ancient Arabic, Assyrian, Canaanite, Egyptian, Indian, Jewish, Persian, or Phoenician, nor to any language fromcontemporaneous African, Asian or European dialects.

As might be expected, the Sumerian language did leave a significant heritage. 

The Sumerian language is the oldest sophisticated form of writing in existence, and dates from at least 3400 B.C.E.   

These early writings, however, are neither crude nor primitive, and no other source as been identified as to where it might have been developed. 

The most intriguing aspect of the Sumerians is their arrival on the scene with all of the attributes of civilization already formulated in what they termed THE ME.  These attributes included everything from kingship and priesthood to the arts of love making, kindness, and song, to the crafts of scribes, builders, leather makers, wood and copper workers, to the perceptive ear, giving of judgments, and the making of beer. 

Sumerian wisdom was also prevalent at an early stage - the so-called father of mankind, Enki, being noted as extremely wise.  

It must be understood that the Sumerian alphabet was essentially shorthand for a much older original language made up of logograms (symbols representing concepts rather than words) resembling nothing less than antique Chinese characters.  When these translations began in the nineteenth century, the symbol for the Sumerian’s creators was simply thought to mean mythical “gods” and everything proceeded from that point.
Archeological studies have shown that shortly after 4000 B.C. within the Tigris-Euphrates Valley, marshes had been drained, canals dug, dams and dikes constructed, a large-scale irrigation system initiated, and large, gleaming cities built.

The first twelve major city-states - with exotic names like Ur, Nippur, Uruk, Lagash, Akkad, and Kish - were all centered around towering, stair-stepped temples called ziggurats (Holy Mountains] and each was ruled by its own “god,” called an ensi. Spiraling outward from the ziggurat were public buildings, markets, and homes. Surrounding each city were large tracts of land also controlled by the local ensi. As these city-states developed, they came under the leadership of a king, called a lugal, who answered to the local “god.”

Sumerians traveled frequently and widely and are thought to have brought their advanced technology of shipbuilding and mapping to the early Phoenicians, who settled along the eastern Mediterranean coast in what is now Lebanon.

Their knowledge of the heavens was both amazing and puzzling. “The whole concept of spherical astronomy, including the 360-degree circle, the zenith, the horizon, the celestial axis, the poles, the ecliptic, the equinoxes, etc., all arose suddenly in Sumer,” noted Alford. Sumerian knowledge of the movements of the sun and moon resulted in the world’s first calendar, used for centuries afterward by the Semites, Egyptians, and Greeks.
It is significant to learn that the Sumerians never considered, or referred to, the beings who brought them knowledge as “gods.” This was a later interpretation by the Romans and Greeks, who fashioned their own “gods” after the earlier oral traditions.

The Sumerians called them the Anunnaki or Those Who Came to Earth from Heaven.

Today, Mesopotamia is made up of the parts of Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria. The Fertile Crescent is stretched from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea. Mesopotamia ruled from 3500 BCE to 530 BCE. 

Mesopotamia was hot and dry in the summer and Mesopotamia was mild and wet in the winter. There were constant flooding and rainfall. Mesopotamia’s land was very fertile in the North because of the constant rainfall. Mesopotamia’s land in the South was also very fertile because of the annual flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The land was their source of life. By this, the men could feed themselves and their families. The seasonal flooding was a challenge to the farmers of Mesopotamia. These farmers learned to control the flooding to some stage. The fertile land along the rivers produced such crops as wheat, barley, sesame, flax, and different fruits and vegetables.

The “Gods”  of Ancient Sumeria were called the: 
  • Nephilim/ Nefilim
  • Elohim
  • Annunaki . . . . . .  meaning "Those who from Heaven to Earth came." 

In Sumerian Mythology they were a pantheon of good and evil gods and goddesses who came to Earth to create the human race

According to the some resources, these gods came from Nibiru  - 'Planet of the Crossing.' 

The Assyrians and Babylonians called it 'Marduk', after their chief god. Sumerians said one year on planet Nibiru, a sar, was equivalent in time to 3600 Earth years. Annunaki lifespans were 120 sars which is 120 x 3600 or 432,000 years. 

According to the King List - 120 sars had passed from the time the Annunaki arrived on Earth to the time of the Flood.

Nephilim, Elohim, Annunaki

1.    The Nephilim
Nephilim is often translated as “giants”, a legitimate and appropriate interpretation, but one which may be only partially accurate.  

A better definition might be “those who came down”, “those who descended”, or “those who were cast down.”
“It happened after the sons of men had multiplied in those days, that daughters were born to them, elegant and beautiful. 
And when the angels, the sons of heaven beheld them, they became enamored of them, saying to each other, Come, let us select for ourselves wives from the progeny of men, and let us beget children. 
Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabitated; teaching them sorcery, incantations, all the secret things which are done in the heavens.

In the Hebrew Bible and several non-canonical Jewish and early Christian writings, Nephilim means the fallen [ones] are a people created by the cross-breeding of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men". 
The word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants or titans in some Bibles, and is left untranslated in others. 
The phrase "sons of God" is sometimes translated into English as "sons of gods". The Hebrew word, "Elohim", is a plural form, but is often used with single verbs and adjectives (as in this case) when the single meaning is traditionally understood.

The traditional Jewish view, deriving from the Book of Enoch, is that the fathers of the nephilim, the "sons of God", were the Grigori (a class of fallen angels also called the Watchers); however, there is some controversy on this point.

Some commentators suggest the Nephilim were believed to have been fathered by members of a proto-Hebrew pantheon, and are a brief glimpse of early Hebrew religion, most of the details of which was later edited out from the Torah. Others, especially some Christians, suggest the "sons of God" were fully human. It is sometimes suggested that ridding the Earth of these Nephilim was one of God's purposes for flooding the Earth in Noah's time.

"When men began to increase on earth and daughters were born to them, the divine beings saw how beautiful the daughters of men were and took wives from among those that pleased them. 
The LORD said, 'My breath shall not abide in man forever, since he too is flesh; let the days allowed him be one hundred and twenty years.' 
It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth - when the divine beings cohabited with the daughters of men, who bore them offspring. They were the heroes of old, the men of renown." - Genesis 6:1-4

2.    The Elohim
The word “Elohim,” was used in Biblical text to denote God
Elohim is the plural form for Gods. 
The word “El” simply means God
In fact, El, is a Pagan God of the Canaanites. 
Look at it this way. When Moses took his people to the Promised Land, it was in the land of Canaan where these people would settle, in the land of El. El was known as the creator of the earth (Isaiah 40:28).  
The Greeks new him as Cronus
The Romans knew him as Saturn.
His consort was Asherah
When those of the exodus took over the land of Canaan, her name became Astarteand then Ashoreth(1 Kings 11:15), and finally Ashtoroth
Other gods mentioned in Biblical text were Yahweh Tsabaoth, Lord of Armies(Jeremiah 28:2) Baal, Lord (Psalms 68:4), who was said to ride upon the clouds. Eheieh, I Am (Exodus 3:14). Adonai, Lord (Malachi 3:1). Ilabi, God of my father(Genesis 31:42). Shaddai El Chai, God Almighty (Genesis 17:1).
The popular name of Jehovah is a corruption of Yahweh and is in fact wrongly used.

The Council of Elohim and Cosmic Beings carry the greatest concentration of Light that we can comprehend in our state of evolution. 
The name Elohim expresses the fullness of God’s power. In the Bible, God, in his role as the Creator who rules the affairs of men and controls nature, is known as Elohim.
Beginning in the heart of the Great Central Sun, hierarchy manifests as the stepping-down of the energies of Alpha and Omega, of the sacred AUM, of the I AM THAT I AM. 
Coming out from the Great Central Sun, the Elohim have earned the right through concentration of energy, of consciousness, of awareness of God, to be the step-down transformers. 
A cosmic being is one who is aware of self as cosmos, who can ensoul a cosmos and the control of vast energy fields beyond our ability to even comprehend. The term “cosmic being” is a title, not just a description. At this central point surrounding Alpha and Omega, are these cosmic beings and the twelve solar hierarchies that we know by the names of the signs of the zodiac.

3.    The Annunaki
The Annunaki are sometimes depicted as humanoid. 
At other times they are bird-headed with wings 
Often they are Reptilian in appearance especially when depicted as warriors - 
Sometimes they are shown as a combination of several types of entities. 

 The Sumerians never called the Anunnaki, 'gods.' 

They were called din.gir, a two-syllable word. '

Din' meant 'righteous, pure, bright;' 'gir' was a term used to describe a sharp-edged object. 

As an epithet for the Anunnaki 'dingir' meant 'righteous ones of the bright pointed objects.'

Are they planning to return to Earth? 
These questions and more can be answered by reading the books of Zecharia Sitchin.

Anyone looking for more information on the Annunaki should consider reading  Zecharia Sitchin books.

Although, I personally do not agree with all his interpretations of history, and everything he has included in his books, I sincerely feel he has covered the material as closely and as accurately as possible. 

Virtually all open-minded historical and theological scholars agree the Old Testament’s book of Genesis was extracted from the older Sumerian records, if only because of the similarity in their  Comparative Religions:
  • The Epic of Creation & Genesis
  • Stories of a Great Flood and Deluge, among other stories, are also common to both Sumerian and Biblical accounts.  
An inevitable conclusion is that the Anunnaki were as real as Noah, Moses or Abraham.  

According to Laurence Gardner: 
“Every item of written and pictorial attestation confirms that the ancient Sumerians were absolutely sincere about the existence of the Anunnaki, and those such asEnkiEnlilNin-khursag and Inanna fulfilled earthly functions with designated community duties.  
They were patrons and founders; they were teachers and justices; they were technologists and kingmakers.  They were jointly and severally venerated as archons and masters, but there were certainly not idols of religious worship as the ritualistic gods of subsequent cultures became. 
The Anunnaki presence may baffle historians, their language may confuse linguists and their advanced techniques may bewilder scientists, but to dismiss them is foolish.  The Sumerians have themselves told us precisely who the Anunnaki were, and neither history nor science can prove otherwise.”  

The Sumerian records recorded in great detail the stories of the Anunnaki, and among these, that of Enki, Enlil, Ninki, Inanna, Utu, Ningishzida, Marduk, and many others.  

Chief among these stories was the continuing conflict between Enki and Enlil, the sons of the supreme god of the time, Anu.  

Much of ancient human history, and the Biblical Genesis, can be explained as the militant differences between these two half-brothers, and how they affected the life of all sentient beings on Earth.  

But the Anunnaki were more than just a pair of squabbling half-brothers.  

They were the council of Gods and Goddesses, who periodically met to consider their future actions with respect to each other, and probably as a smaller, nondescript item on their agenda, the fate of mankind.  

The Anunnaki have also been equated with the “Watchers” (who are also mentioned in the books of Daniel and Jubilees), i.e. “Behold a watcher and an holy one came down from heaven.” - Daniel 4:13  

According to Zecharia Sitchin and his interpretation of ancient Sumerian texts, the Anunnaki were extraterrestrials, who were an extremely long-lived race, potentially living as long as 500,000 years.  

Sitchin’s book, The 12th Planet, published in 1976 was the first modern volume to begin to describe the Anunnaki, their arrival on Earth supposedly some 485,000 years ago, and from where they had come -
  • a planet called Nibiru.  
Sitchin believes Nibiru to be in an orbit about our sun, but in a strongly elliptical orbit which requires 3,600 Earth years to make a complete orbit. Nibiru’s perihelion (closest point of approach to the Sun) is thought to be within themain asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, at a distance from the Sun of approximately 2.75 A.U. (an A.U. being the distance from the Sun to the Earth).  
Nibiru is not known to modern astronomy primarily due to the extreme elliptical nature of its orbit and the fact its aphelion (furthest point in the planet’s orbit from the Sun) is more than eight times the distance from the Sun to the planet Pluto (the latter being some 40 A.U. away, and thus the former, some 320 A.U. distant).  
But the connection between humans and the Anunnaki is much more profound than that of masters and slaves.  
All the evidence strongly advocates the concept that Adam & Eve and their ancestors, cousins, and what-have-you were created by genetic engineering and mixing the DNA of Anunnaki with that of Homo erectus, the reigning progenitor of man at the time.  
Fundamentally, this was because the Anunnaki needed someone to work the mines in search of gold and other Precious Metals.
The most fundamental question with respect to the Anunnaki is whether or not they’re still on Earth!  
Sitchin has pointed out that he never said they left (and there is no evidence that they did).  There was, however, an apparently fundamental Anunnaki policy shift, wherein the overt, day-to-day interference in human affairs by the Anunnaki disappeared.  
There is evidence to suggest that this state of affairs may be temporary, and may be scheduled to end with the end of the Mayan Calender on or about 2012. 

Cylinder seal VA/243 from a museum in Germany, about 2,500 BCE.  
The upper left corner has a picture of a solar system. 
What it is in the center?  
Were you told in school that the ancients knew the sun was in the center?  
Count the orbiting planets around the sun.  Include our moon and one extra planet and you will notice the number is correct for our solar system. 
There are 9 known planets all represented in this seal.  
When were Pluto and Neptune discovered?  
When you count the sun, moon and Nibiru as part of our solar system the number of objects is 12.

Social Structure in Mesopotamia:

In ancient Mesopotamia, there were six levels in the social structure.
1.    Lugals- had control over the city-state and owned all the land, buildings, and army. 
Lugals also had military leadership, oversaw building projects and established law. They could execute their wishes and choose to give out land to certain people.
2.    Priests- were people who had control over the school curriculum and also owned land.
3.    Scribes- were public writers who worked for a religious temple or the government.
4.    Traders and Craftspeople- traders sold the products that the craftspeople made. The traders could sell the products locally or in other parts of the world.
5.    Common people- were actually farmers who farmed for life. They had the ability to change the supply and demand of grain and barley in the market.
6.    Slaves- were either indentured servants who desperately needed money or prisoners of war.

Family Life points:
Parents had control over their children. Boys of wealthy families could go to school at the age of eight or nine. Women couldn’t vote. Women could own land and establish their own business. Work at school was expected to be perfect. If not, then students were punished. The parents chose to whom their children would marry. School was from sun-up till sundown. Common children stayed home to learn different skills from their parents or guardians because they couldn’t afford to go to school. Example: a carpenter’s boy would learn carpeting skills. Women were highly respected.

Religious Beliefs:
Mesopotamia’s belief in god was called polytheism
This meant that they had a belief in multiple Gods. They also believed that the lugals could talk directly to the gods. 
Also, that the priests could make religious ceremonies and try to understand what their gods wanted. People named oracles were believed to have special powers to determine the wishes of god. 
Mesopotamian gods usually lived in the heavens, but visited the Earth. When they visited the Earth, they lived in a mountain shaped temple called a ziggurat. A ziggurat is a mountain-shaped temple with a pyramid shaped base and a shrine, or a place to worship the particular god that the ziggurat has been made for at the top. The ziggurats were built of sun-dried mud bricks with 3 to 7 terraced levels by the Sumerians. 
The Sumerians believed in divine order, that is, everything that occurs is preplanned by the gods.

There were four all-powerful gods that created and controlled the universe. 
1.    Anu was the god of heaven, 
2.    Enlil was the air-god, 
3.    Enki was the water-god, and 
4.    Ninhursag was the mother earth-goddess. 

The number 12 is connected to the number of gods in the Sumerian pantheon.  
What else is 12?  
The 12 Olympian gods, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 disciples of Jesus, 
12 months of the year, the original time of 24 hours was really 12 double hours.  
See the 12 pointed star, this picture represents Anu, the King of Nibiru.  
And notice the horns on his hat as well, as a symbol of his godly rank.  
Notice how small the people are that are serving him.

Each of these gods created lesser gods who were also important in Mesopotamia.Utu, the sun-god, lit the world with rays shooting from his shoulders. He moved across the sky in a chariot. 
Nanna was the moon-god who used a boat to travel by night. 
Every single city had its own patron god or goddess who owned everything and everyone in the city. 
Everyone was expected to sing hymns, say prayers, make sacrifices and bring offerings to the local temple (ziggurat) for the gods.

A dispute existed also between the god Enki and a mother goddess, Ninhursag - perhaps originally the earth goddess Ki. 

Ninhursag made eight plants sprout in a divine garden, plants created from three generations of goddesses fathered by Enki.

These goddesses were described as having been born "without pain or travail." Then trouble came as Enki ate the plants that Ninhursag had grown. Ninhursag responded with rage, and she pronounced a curse of death on Enki, and Enki's health began to fail. Eight parts of Enki's body - one for each of the eight plants that he ate - became diseased, one of which was his rib.
The goddess Ninhursag then disappeared so as not let sympathy for Enki change her mind about her sentence of death upon him. But she finally relented and returned to heal Enki. She created eight healing deities - eight more goddesses - one for each of Enki's ailing body parts. The goddess who healed Enki's rib was Nin-ti, a name that in Sumerian meant "lady of the rib," which describes a character who was to appear in a different role in Hebrew writings centuries later, a character to be called Eve.

1.    AN - ANU

In Sumerian mythology and later for Assyrians and Babylonians, Anu was a sky-god, the god of heaven, lord of constellations, king of gods, spirits and demons, and dwelt in the highest heavenly regions. 

It was believed that he had the power to judge those who had committed crimes, and that he had created the stars as soldiers to destroy the wicked. 

He was the father of the Anunnaku (also spelled Anunnaki). 
In art he was sometimes depicted as a jackal. His attribute was the royal tiara, most times decorated with two pairs of bull horns.

He was also called An.

To Anu was assigned the control of the heavens, to Bel the earth, and to Ea the waters.
According to the Earth Chronicles series by Zecharia Sitchin, the wife of Anu was a fertility goddess and the mother of the gods; her cult was centered in Munster. 

However, Anu was one of the Anunnaki who came from the planet Nibiru (Marduk).

According to Sitchin's theories on Sumerian legend and lore, the Anunnaki arrived first on Earth probably 400,000 years ago, looking for minerals, especially gold, which they found and mined gold in Africa. 


Frieze with Lion-Headed Eagle (Ninhursag) and Stags, copper, Temple at Tell al-Ubaid, 2500 BCE, h: 1.07 from the Early Dynastic - Southern Mesopotamian Period, 2900 BCE - 2350 BCE - Found in Ubaid. 

It represents the storm-god Ninhursag (lady of the mountain), shown as a lion-headed eagle grasping two stags with her great talons. 

In Sumerian mythology, Ninhursag (or Ki) was the earth and mother-goddess she usually appears as the sister of Enlil

Ninhursag means 'Lady of the Foothills'. 

She had many other names: 
Nintur 'Lady Birth', 
Ninmah 'Lady August', 
Dingirmah, Aruru, 
and as wife of Enki was usually called Damgalnunna.
In Akkadian she was Belit-ili 'Lady of the Gods' and Mama and as wife to Ea, Enki's Akkadian counterpart, she was called Damkina. 

Her prestige decreased as Ishtar's increased, but her aspect as Damkina mother of Marduk, the supreme god of Babylonia, still held a secure place in the pantheon.

In union with Enki she also bore Ninsar, goddess of the pasture. 

She was the chief nurse, the one in charge of medical facilities. In that role that the Goddess was called NINTI (lady-life). She was considered the Mother Goddess. She was nicknamed 'Mammu' - now called 'mother' 'mom'.
Ninhursag bore a male child to Enlil. His name was NIN.UR.TA (lord who completes the fountain). He was the son who to do battle for his father using bolts of lightening.

In Egypt she played the roles of several creational goddesses - 
-    Maat, 
-    Isis and 
-    Hathor [Cow Goddess - Milk Symbology]

3.    ENKI OR EA

Enki walks out of the water to the land.

In this impression from a cylinder seal, Enki is easily identifyed as the god (wearing a horned crown) with streams flowing from his shoulders. He is seated on a thrown, presumably in judgment of a bird-man. Possibly the Anzu-bird that stole the divine “ME” from Enlil?

In the Sumerian literature are the descriptions of The Me, “the holy laws of heaven and earth.”  In one particular tale, the goddess, Inanna, decides to obtain for her followers The Me from her maternal grandfather, Enki.  
She does this by getting him thoroughly drunk, and skirting off with the goods.  
Enki apparently tries to stop her, but fails.  At the same time, however, there is the very real possibility that Enki had determined all along to give Inanna The Me, but went through the pretence in order to avoid the wrath of the other gods and godesses, i.e., 

The Me include:  
kingship and priesthood
“the holy measuring rod and line”,
shepherd-ship, quiver, dagger and sword
loosening and binding of the hair
art of love making, art of prostitution, procreation
truth, the art of being forthright
slanderous and adorning speech
the art of song, resounding musical instruments
arts of power and treachery,
deceit, plundering of cities
lamentations and rejoicing of the heart
the art of kindness
crafts of the wood and copper worker
crafts of the scribe, builder and leather maker
perceptive ear, power of attention
holy purification rites
fear, dismay, consternation
kindling and putting out of fire
counseling, giving of judgments, making of decisions
“bitter-toothed lion”
assembled family
the making of beer!  

Within his sacred precinct 'Mound of Creation' in Eridu, Enkiunraveled the secrets of life and death. 
His emblem was two serpents [twin human DNA] entwined on a staff - the basis for the winged caduceus symbol used by modern Western medicine. 

Enki was the god who created the first humans. 

Enki was the leader of the first sons of Anu that came down to Earth. 

He played the pivotal role in saving humanity from the global Deluge. 

He defied the Anunnaki ruling council and told Ziusudra (the Sumerian Noah) how to build a ship on which to save humanity from the killing flood. Ea would have been over 120 sars old at that time, yet his activity with humanity continued to be actively reported for thousands of years thereafter.

Enki's youngest son, Ningizzida, was Lord of the Tree of Truth, in Mesopotamia. 

He played the role of Thoth in Egypt and Hermes the Magician - the Alchemist. (???? Not sure about this one)

The ancient Mystery School Teachings of Thoth were past down to his Initiates who became the priests. They hid the secret knowledge of creation, passing it down through the ages through Sacred Geometry.

Enki was a deity in Sumerian mythology, later known as Ea in Babylonian mythology. The name Ea is of Sumerian origin and was written by means of two signs signifying "house" and "water". 

Enki was the deity of water, intelligence and creation. 

The exact meaning of his name is not sure: the common translation is "Lord of the Earth": the Sumerian en is translated as "lord", ki as "earth"; but there are theories that ki in this name has another origin.

His name is possibly an epithet bestowed on him for the creation of the first man, (Adamu or Adapa)
Enki had a penchant for beer and a string of incestuous affairs. First, he and his consort Ninhursag had a daughter Ninsar. He then had intercourse with Ninsar who gave birth to Ninkurra. Finally, he had intercourse with Ninkurra, who gave birth to Uttu.

According to Sumerian mythology, Enki allowed humanity to survive the Delugedesigned to kill them. 

After Enlil, An and the rest of the apparent Council of Deities, decided that Man would suffer total annihilation, he covertly rescued the human man Ziusudra by either instructing him to build some kind of an boat for his family, or by bringing him into the heavens in a magic boat. This is apparently the oldest surviving source of the Noah's Ark myth and other parallel Middle Eastern Deluge myths.
Enki was considered a god of life and replenishment, and was often depicted withstreams of water emanating from his shoulders. Alongside him were trees symbolizing the male and female aspects of nature, each holding the male and female aspects of the 'Life Essence', which he, as apparent alchemist of the gods, would masterfully mix to create several beings that would live upon the face of the Earth.
Eridu, meaning "the good city", was one of the oldest settlements in theEuphrates valley, and is now represented by the mounds known as Abu Shahrein.

4.    ENLIL
Enlil was the name of a chief deity in Babylonian religion, perhaps pronounced and sometimes rendered in translations as Ellil in later Akkadian. The name is Sumerian and has been believed to mean 'Lord Wind' though a more literal interpretation is 'Lord of the Command'.

Enlil was the god of wind, or the sky between earth and heaven. One story has him originate as the exhausted breath of An (God of the heavens) and Ki (goddess of the Earth) after sexual union. 
When Enlil was a young god, he was banished from Dilmun, home of the gods, toKur, the underworld for raping a young girl named Ninlil. Ninlil followed him to the underworld where she bore his first child, the moon god Sin. After fathering three more underworld deities, Enlil was allowed to return to Dilmun.

Enlil was also known as the inventor of the pickaxe/hoe (favorite tool of the Sumerians) and the cause of plants growing. He was in possession of the holy Me, until he gave them to Enki for safe keeping, who summarily lost them to Inanna in a drunken stupor.

Enlil's relation to An 'Sky', in theory the supreme god of the Sumerian pantheon, was somewhat like that of a Frankish mayor of the palace compared to the king, or that of a Japanese shogun compared to the emperor, or to a prime minister in a modern constitutional monarchy compared to the supposed monarch. While An was in name ruler in the highest heavens, it was Enlil who mostly did the actual ruling over the world.

By his wife Ninlil or Sud, Enlil was father of the moon god Nanna (in Akkadian Sin) and of Ninurta (also called Ningirsu). Enlil is sometimes father of Nergal, of Nisaba the goddess of grain, of Pabilsag who is sometimes equated with Ninurta, and sometimes of Enbilulu. By Ereshkigal Enlil was father of Namtar.
Enlil is associated with the ancient city of Nippur, and since Enlu with the determinative for "land" or "district" is a common method of writing the name of the city, it follows, apart from other evidence, that Enlil was originally the patron deity of Nippur.

Among the titles accorded to him are "king of lands," "king of heaven and earth" and "father of the gods".
When, with the political rise of Babylon as the centre of a great empire, Nippur yielded its prerogatives to the city over which Marduk presided, the attributes and the titles of Enlil were largely transferred to Marduk.
But Enlil did not, however, entirely lose his right to have any considerable political importance, while in addition the doctrine of a triad of gods symbolizing the three divisions - heavens, earth and water - assured to Enlil, to whom the earth was assigned as his province, his place in the religious system.

It was no doubt in part Enlil's position as the second figure of the triad that enabled him to survive the political eclipse of Nippur and made his sanctuary a place of pilgrimage to which Assyrian kings down to the days of Assur-bani-pal paid their homage equally with Babylonian rulers.

The Sumerian ideogram for Enlil or Ellil was formerly incorrectly read as Bel by scholars, but in fact Enlil was not especially given the title Bel 'Lord' more than many other gods.

The Babylonian god Marduk is mostly the god persistently called Bel in late Assyrian and Babylonian inscriptions and it is Marduk that mostly appears in Greek and Latin texts as Belos or Belus. References in older literature to Enlil as the old Bel and Marduk as the young Bel derive from this error in reading.

Critical to the rivalry between Enki & Enlil - particularly from Earth’s viewpoint - was the fact that Enki had been the first of the Anunnaki to hazard a trip to Earth to begin a mining operation for gold.  

When this effort did not apparently produce gold in sufficient quantities, Enlil was brought in, given command, and armed with a new plan (an early version of the New Deal).  The revised program was to mine gold from deep mines in the Earth.  

According to Sumerian texts (as detailed in Genesis of the Grail Kings” , during a visit by their father, Anu , the Anunnaki made a decision:  
                    “The gods had clasped their hands together,
                        Had cast lots and had divided.
                        Anu then went up to heaven.
                        To Enlil the Earth was made subject.
                        The seas, enclosed as with a loop,
                        They had given to Enki, the Prince of Earth.”  

Sounds fair.  However.  
“Enki was not happy about his brother’s promotion because, although Enlil was the elder of the two, his mother (Ki) was Anu’s junior sister, whereas Enki’s mother (Antu) was the senior sister.  True kingship, claimed Enki, progressed as a matrilineal institution through the female line, and by this right of descent Enki maintained that he was the first born of the royal succession.”  
                    “I am the great brother of the gods.
                        I am he who has been born as the first son of the divine Anu.”  

Admittedly, Enki’s claim of his birthright, the one being based on a matrilineal succession - essentially the mitochondria DNA link, which is wholly passed through the female line - was in Enki’s best interests.  
With the arrival of Enlil, however, everything changed.  The Great Mother was dethroned and replaced by a supreme male (as opposed to a male consort for the Queen).  

From a Biblical perspective, it was Enki who (with the critical assistance of his half-sister, Ninki, aka Nin-khursag) created Adam & Eve

It was Enlil, on the other hand, who created “Edin”.  

Enki was the serpent in the garden, who urged Adam and Eve to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (which was infinitely beneficial to their spiritual growth). 

It was Enlil, who drove them out of Edin, while Enki was there to clothe them.  

It is worth noting that Zechria Sitchin claims that the biblical word for “snake” isnahash, which comes from the root word NHSH, and which means “to decipher, to find out.”  

In other words, Enki, the God of Wisdom.  

Enki, on the other hand, apparently against orders of the Anunnaki (who Enlil now controlled), provided the boat plans for Noah to build his Ark, and thus save him, his family (and likely a fair number of helpful artisans and their families).  Enki included as well the seed of other living things (a “natural” kind of thing to do).  

Marduk (who would become the god of the Babylonians) was Enki’s first born, and that of Enki’s wife, the goddess Damkina.  

Enki’s other wife was his half-sister, Nin-khursag (meaning “Mountain Queen”), the Lady of Life, also known as Nin-mah, the Great Lady.  

Speaking of Marduk, not only was he the arch-enemy of Inanna , but Marduk thoroughly angered just about everyone about him.  Even his father, Enki, must have wondered where he went wrong in raising his first son - a question not uncommon to any father.  At the same time, it must be admitted, Marduk was without question a serious pain in the rear (and elsewhere) for Enlil, and thus Enki might have had moments of genuine pride.   

Just as Enki may have been given temporary, overt control over the Earth during the Age of PiscesMarduk, who was identified with the planet Mars, and thus the astrological sign of Aries, had assumed he would be in charge during the Age of Aries.  

Depending on the time allotted to each sign - whether it is 1/12th, or more likely the actual time spent in the sign - Marduk’s Age of Aries likely ran from roughly 2,000 B.C.E. to about 600 B.C.E.

This was his time, therefore, and The Wars of Gods and Men told by Sitchin was in large part Marduk’s attempts to wrest control from Enlil, and the Anunnaki who supported the latter.  The fact that it became a very messy war was not necessarily Marduk’s fault.

Marduk, from Babylon, ultimately took vengeance on the Enlil supporters known as the Hebrews, who had opposed Marduk’s reign, and they thereafter spent seventy years in captivity.  During this time, Enlil never raised a hand to assist them.  

For sometime (i.e. the Age of Aries), Marduk took over Enlil’s subjugation of the humans - politics of the slavery kind made strange bedfellows.  But the Age of Aries (unlike the Age of Pisces) was mercifully short.  

In Akkadian mythology and Sumerian mythology, Anshar (also Anshur, Ashur, Asshur) is the sky god. 
He is the husband of his sister Kishar; they are the children of Lahmu and Lahamu, and the parents of Anu and Ea (and, in some traditions, Enlil). 
He is sometimes depicted as having Ninlil as a consort. As Anshar, he is progenitor of the Akkadian pantheon; as Ashur, he is the head of the Assyrian pantheon. Anshar led the gods in the war against Tiamat.

Zecharia Sitchen, renowned for his work on translating Sumerian Tablets, has written much about the Annunaki-family and the way they would have interacted with humanity based on these Sumerian tablets. Although the idea of 'some kinds of extraterrestrials' or 'gods' (who looked human except that they were larger) creating human beings is not really popular in the scientific community, it was very likely that that was exactly what was noted down by the Sumerians some 4,000 to 5,000 years ago.

Innana or Aphrodite or Venus
A member of the Annanuki family known as Innana seduced the High Priest. In so doing, Innana accessed through the sexual energy flow all information held by the High Priest and Priestess and stripped it, and altered the course of their lives to one of fatal destruction. 

The High Priest and Priestess ended up captured and killed by Innana and Merduk whom ceremonially dissected their forms drinking of their blood and eating of their major organs and glands. This was done to obtain a biological understanding of what the High Priest and Priestess knew.

Many other of the Priests and Priestesses holding regional responsibilities were either seduced and/or killed and consumed in a parallel manner to the High Priest and Priestess or King and Queen.

Each was consumed by the Annanuki for the knowledge that they contained. In the transference of such knowledge, the red race lost their power and ability to overcome the Annanuki and throw them off of Earth.
However, we also point out that Sirius refused to support the red race and come to their defense. It is now understood that there was a treaty between Sirius and the Pleiades to allow for the Pleiadian reign over Earth. There was a deep understanding of betrayal of the red seeded nation by their planet of origin as a result of this outcome. It may be for such reasons that the Priests and Priestesses were unable to prevent the dominion of the Annanuki over their own nations.

Persephone and Merduk or Hades
Persephone was a red woman whom married and mated with Marduk, one brother of the Annanuki. 
This was an inter-racial marriage that was rejected by the rest of the Annanuki family, much like interracial marriages are rejected to this day in your current dance. 

Marduk stripped Persephone and the red seeded race of all ancient knowledge through his sexual relationship to her, hoarding it for himself and utilizing it for retention of dominion over Earth and immortality. 
The red race was intertwined in a common energy flow. It only took only one entry into one red human’s energy field to access the energy flow and knowledge of the entire race. 

From the point of view of the Great Central Sun, this is a fatal flaw in the nature of energy movement of the human dance in the lower dimensions. Much like dominoes, if one is taken out, so are all, as they are all interconnected without boundaries that are protective in nature.

Innana along with Merduk manipulated in every way possible to retain dominion over Earth, and extend their lives 18,000 years, 16,000 years beyond what any human form was designed to live. 
These humans along with their relatives stripped Earth and the red race of all knowledge necessary to sustain their immortality. In so doing, all knowledge to fuel human ascension was removed from the seeded race and utilized instead for life extension of the Annanuki. 

Sitchen writes more about Persephone and how she was abducted at an early age. 
Near the end of the book we are introduced to a dodgy deal which Merduk/ Marduk made with Sanat Kamara. 
Let's read parts of the original text about all that had been discovered in August 2001:

At the time that Marduk and Innana, two members of the Annanuki went insane, they had extended their life 18,000 human years. 

The life extension practices included not only the sacrifice of the slaves to avoid karmic return, but also the consumption of human blood also known as the "elixir of the gods". Such blood consumption became increasingly impure as more and more of the slave race went into fear from the brutal manner that they were treated, annihilated, or sacrificed. Fear causes genetic changes, and the fear caused the blood of the slaves to change. Over time, the blood no longer supported the Annanuki as it once had in their desire for immortality.
As the red race also went into fear due to such practices and the holographic remembrance, the blood of the red race also altered in biochemical structure. At this juncture, the desire for immortality was so great that Merduk chose to utilize the blood of his own half red half Annanuki offspring.

Many have heard of the myth of Persephone, the goddess of the underworld. 

Persephone was a red child that was abducted at age 7 and taken to Merduk for blood. He fell in love with Persephone and married her at age 11. They had 8 children over an 800-year period. It was as Persephone caught Merduk killing her own child for blood that she herself went insane and committed suicide by throwing herself into an active volcano. Merduk went on to marry 3 other red females, each abducted at an early age as Persephone. He continued to utilize his own offspring for blood to extend his life. Over time even the blood of his own offspring was too impure to keep his flesh from decaying. It is the decay of the Annanuki that led eventually to their insanity, and their insane warfare upon one another.

Merduk warred upon his sister Innana for over 1000 years. 

The warfare created greater and greater brutal experiences in the experience of the Annanuki slave race. 
Such records of brutality were transferred to the dolphins and whales who subsequently again declined in genetic material as the vibrations of pain were so dense for them to hold.

Merduk took to creating a specific set of human slaves bred for warfare. 

Such slaves were devoid of emotions, had only 2 strands of DNA and would fight to the finish without complaint. Groups of such slaves were so violent that they pushed the forces of Innana's slaves back to a single region upon Earth currently located in South America. Innana would not surrender, and trapped Merduk in a pyramid threatening to destroy him. Merduk escaped and went off planet in one of his spacecraft.

ANU    born 12 PLANET
Mother:  Unknown
Father: An
Children: Enlil & Ninmah

ENLIL    born 12 Nibiru
Mother:  Antu
Father: Anu
Children: Ninurta & Nanna
Mother:  Hiah
Father: Unknown
Children: Nanna

NINURTA    born Nibiru
Mother:  Ninmah
Father: Enlil
Mother:  Ninlil
Father: Enlil

AN    born Nibiru
Mother:  Unknown
Father: Unknown
Children: Anu & Antu
Mother:  Unknown
Father: Anu
Children: Ninurta
ANTU    born Nibiru 
Mother:  Unknown 
Father: An 
Children: Enlil

The Ancient Anunnaki Connection
A Series of Essays by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D (UCLA Anthropology ) 


Zecharia Sitchin:     The 12th Planet, 1976, The Stairway to Heaven, 1980, The Wars of Gods and Men, 1985, The Lost Realms, 1990, When Time Began, 1990, Genesis Revisited, 1990, Divine Encounters, 1995, Avon Books, New York.
William Bramley, The Gods of Eden, Avon Books, New York, 1989, 1990.

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